Michael Wolf: Architecture of Density (2012)

In today's post, I would want to present you with a German Urban photographer who is Michael Wolf. He and his Architecture of Density(2012) are a breath of fresh air for me in the world of Urban Photography. He did not try to make a perfect image with the beautiful landscapes of the city. In his Architecture of Density(2012) he represents Hong Kong as the place where people actually live. The paradox is that people are absent from the photos. In this series, only one-size buildings are depicted in the pictures. However, in Wolf's photographs, the people are unseen, but on more careful investigation, but their existence is noticeable everywhere- in the colored curtains, the clothesline with wet hanging laundry, and the scaffolding with the hanging sheets. (O'Hagan, 2019)

The photo below is an example of the thoughts above. The image depicts the usual building in Hong Kong with plenty of floors, flats, and rooms. Yes, we can't see people there, but if we focus on this picture we will notice damaged walls, a large number of air conditioners on the balconies, an abundance of clothes that were hung for drying, someone’s personal belongings just standing there, where they were put by others. All these things demonstrate people's existence. 

From Architecture of Density 
by Michail Wolf

In the photo below, we don't see colorful buildings. There is a process of reconstruction over there. It has another story that links with the expansion of Hong Kong. However, despite the process of renovating, the observer can still see the presence of people. 

''The work investigates the socio-cultural phenomena of Hong Kong’s rapid expansion and ever-expanding architectural anatomy, while also allowing for an unconventional peer into the inhabitants who occupy it.'' ( ArchEyes, 2016)

From Architecture of Density 
by Michael Wolf

As I already mentioned, Michael Wold doesn't want to build a perfect world in his images. He shows as his love for visual chaos. 

As Wolf stated, “I love the visual chaos of China. It is a photographer's dream.”







  1. Again here there is more quotation than your own analysis- try to consider and comment more on how this informs your work


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