Class Work: Sequential Images

 On the previous lesson my partner(Roxy) and I were inspired by discussion about sequential photography and to better unterestand this theme we created sequential photos by ourselves thanks to the camera on our phones. In this post I will analyze in detail each process of creating our work

First of all we made pictures that show the movement. To be more precise, the photos I show at the end illustrates how I tie the cord. I was a model, and my partner on the job was a photographer. In order to achieve good-quality photos we used the auto settings on the 11 iPhone, the ISO was 500 and the wide camera was 26mm f 1.8, 12MP, 3024x4032, 2.3MB. 

When the photos were taken Roxy created a separate folder "Group Sequential Images" and shared it with me.

Shared Folder

However, when I opened the folder I realized that the photos were made in HEIC format that was not suitable. In order to convert photos to the format I want(JPEG) I opened a website, called ''heictojpg'', which specializes in this. However, it turned out that the site can convert no more than 5 photos at the same time. So I had to upload all the photos by hand.

Website that helped me
in converting


When the conversion was completed, I uploaded all the photos in JPEG format to my computer.

Images in JPEG format

In order to combine all the photos into a contact sheet I used Adobe Photoshop 2023. This app helped me to make my sequential photo as it is in the end. 

I opened Adobe Photoshop 2023 and clicked "File-Autimate, then I choose option "Contact Sheet II". 

File-Automate-Contact Sheet II

In the pop-up window I picked and pasted a folder with my images.

Contact Sheet II

When I performed all the actions described above, I got the end result in the form of sequential photos.

My Sequential Images


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