Reflection on Term 2

 I am writing my last post this month, as I am finishing Term Two and moving on to Term Three. These nine weeks of Creative Media Production have been hard for me because my biggest problem was getting the job done. I liked the work on the project of photography, as I love to make photos and edit them. I fully enjoyed the whole process of this work. Working on Creative Writing was difficult for me as it was my first experience as a writer. Perhaps this project was the most difficult for me, as it required the most attention and editing. However, I am pleased with my result. A free project turned out to be the most interesting in my studies, as I was not limited to certain boundaries and could do what I wanted. I managed to achieve the result that I could satisfy. Most of all in this work I liked the process of shooting and Photoshop. The most boring process for me was writing all the blogs because every week I had to write from 3 to 5 posts. However, there were posts that I was interested in writing. They related to research into different techniques and ways in which I could improve my projects. Working with the website was the easiest because I just uploaded the already-finished result and improved my pages. Despite the realization of the importance of researching and analyzing the work of various artists concerning my works, it was quite boring but useful. My biggest problem was organization because I had to force myself to do things I didn’t want to do. However, despite this, Term brought me a lot of new knowledge and showed me that I could do better. This awareness has helped to develop in me diverse skills that I hope can help me in my future as a PR Manager. Thank you for being with me. I will come back in Term 3. 
