Software Testing: Canva
In previous posts, I tested various software that could be used to create the Flip Book. In this particular post, I will be testing Canva , an application that helped me create a cover for my magazine article. First, I opened the website and registered using my email. Next, I started to look for the right template by pressing the button 'Doc' and searching for the Magazine Article template. On the photo below, you can see what picture I chose. I chose it, because I liked the structure, the composition of colors and even the font. In order to improve the cover, I deleted all the text that was there and pasted the one that describes my project. My last step was that I changed the background picture at the top by downloading the right image from the Internet. Then I deleted the previous image and pasted a new one. However, I had to edit it to make the text look good, not to merge with the background and it could be read. Below are the settings I ap...